Monday, June 7, 2021

Scalp Buildup Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think - Here Is What To Do For Healthy Hair

Scalp Buildup is more than just left behind shampoo, hair gel, spray and leave in conditioners etc. When these are left behind they can mix with the scalp oils and the sebum to create a very difficult scalp plugs or crusty build up that can lead to a variety of hair growth problems but more importantly they can create yeast and bacteria build up issues. Here are some of the less known issues that scalp build up can cause.

  • Yellow Scabs and Dandruff
  • Smelly Hair and Scalp From a Yeast and Sebum Mix
  • Painful Sores On Scalp
  • Red Scabs On Scalp
  • Hair Follicle Plugs and Hair Thinning and Loss
  • Scabs on Scalp That Won't Heal
  • Itching and Flaking Accompanied by Raised Red or White Scalps
  • Sebum Beads or Crystallized Scalp Oils
  • Scalp Scabs That Itch and Often Bleeds
  • Severe Itching On the Crown of the Head
  • Itching and Flaking at the Hair Line including on the back of the head
  • Flat hair that seems lifeless or dry
  • Extremely coarse hair means it is not getting enough nutrients
  • Plugs and Scalp Congestion Cut Nutrient Flow to the Root an This Means Slow Growth

Remove Scalp Build Up With An Anti Sebum Shampoo

If you are looking to get rid of scalp congestion, or on the scalp then check out the Scalp Scrub and Zincplex Anti Sebum Shampoo for lasting results that means.

Excess sebum is also one of the primary causes of many different scalp conditions that include oily scalp dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis as well as seborrheic eczema. An overactive sebum gland can produce too much of the sticky oils that mix with cholesterol and dirt, product residue and many other things an become hard to remove with regular or traditional shampoos. Oily scalp shampoo needs to have ingredients that regulate the sebum gland.  The over the counter medicated shampoos don't do anything to gt rid of the hardened sebum plugs and scalp congestion. 

Check out the Zincplex Scalp Scrub Shampoo that uses slight abrasion with dead sea salt crystals that you use in a circular motion


Monday, May 3, 2021

Scalp Detox with An Exfoliating Scrub for Dandruff Growth Detox & More

 What Use A Mineral Salt Scrub With Herbs and Sea Salt?

When it comes to cleansing the scalp shampoos can be outdone with the manual exfoliation that the abrasion of the salts offer. This scrubbing or exfoliating typically does much more than a shampoo can to open up clogged hair follicles to remove hardened and crusty sebum build up on the head and also in the hair. They are one of the best ways to cleanse the scalp and hair without having to wash it. Not all scrubs are created equal so look for one that uses the salt crystals but also the herbs to break down build up in the hair. The herbs also help to stimulate the root once the debris and dirt as well as product residue has been removed.

What Do the Scrubs Contain?

A good one contains sea salts that are high in mineral content. These minerals help to rebuild the scalp's layer up and increase the moisture content much better than the synthetics like dimethicone. It is very important you stay away from the ingredients that simply coat the scalp and hair. The sea salts also help to get the skin to the correct ph and this helps with issues like Dandruff, Itching, Flaking all caused by bacteria and fungus.

Some of the best ingredients are those that will break down the sebum and excess or hardened scalp oils that have mixed with keratin and other things. Removing this buildup which can be hard and crystallized or even white and waxy in the hair that look like large soft dandruff flakes or yellow patches of chunked dandruff that can peel off - all of this can be removed with the herbs and not harsh surfactants that are often found in shampoos and cleansers. These herbs are also important for helping to get rid of bacteria, fungus, mites, microbes and more that can cause the itching, flaking, seborrheic dermatitis, severe dandruff and even problems like folliculitis. A scrub is one of the best things that you can do for folliculitis or infected hair follicles. 

Zincplex scalp scrub does not have any of the surfactants. It uses herbs in a conditioner base so it hydrates the hair and the scalp but also uses the herbs to cleanse and zinc pca to detox the follicles including deep inside the pores where the various microbes like bacteria and fungus can occur. The manual part where you use slight pressure to let the small salt crystals works against the skin will help to open up the sebum plugs. This is vital for those with acne or break outs on the head as well as bumps on the back of the head or on the crown and hair line. It is also amazing for dandruff and conditions like Seborrheic dermatitis. This works really good for those with fungal scalp acne click here to see how this can help along with the lotion and special conditioner that does a great job of replenishing an restoring the correct ph. This is what help to get long term results.

Simply search the web for Mineral Scalp Scrub by Zincplex to get this brand new scalp treatment that so many are loving. It is a great way to cleanse and condition the head skin and also the hair without having to use shampoos. Check out any of our online shops sellig Zincplex brand products to get this one shipped directly to your doorstep from the USA to anywhere in the world. 

Scalp Scrub

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How To Get Rid Of Smelly Hair and A Stinky Scalp

 My Hair Smells Even After I Take A Shower or Wash My Hair?

If you have a sour smell or even a cheese, sulfur, onion or similar smell on your head then you may have what is called Smelly Scalp Syndrome. There are a lot of different theories of what causes this but what mot believe is that the stinky part occurs when there is a buildup of sweat, sebum, fungus, yeast or bacteria. It can be a combination of all of them of just some of them. A Sour smell with an oily scalp most likely has the fungus component. If you are having itching and even some flaking then fungus and sometimes bacteria are involved. If you are getting a crusty build up of hardened sebum then the oils and bacteria may be on the outter part of the head but inside the follicle is a fungus and often a yeast. The fungus is most likely malassezia.

If you have a waxy white build up then sweat, yeast and fungus are most likely involved. Remember that a certain amount of these is normal. It is when they spiral out of control that symptoms are produced. The symptoms can be bad. 

How Do You Remove The Bad Smell?

One of the best thing to do is to remove the hardened sebum plugs that can cover up the openings where the hair exits the head. This build up is called sebum plugs and they wreak havoc on the health and growth of you hair. They can cause everything from as minor as damaged or breaking hair but it can be as difficult as thinning in women or men. It can be spot specific like on the crown or temples or it can be diffuse thinning. 

We recommend the Scalp Scrub and Also The Zinc, Thyme, Sage, Fenugreek Shampoo. The scrub does a good job of unclogging the openings from the sebum plugs and crystallized or hardened oils that can be little balls. However, the scrub can not exfoliate down into the pore where the medulla of the hair grows. This is where the SHAMPOO is so important. If you can flush out the yeast, microbes, mites,  fungus and bacteria. It will also help to remove the food source which are the oils produced by the sebacceous glands. 

Step 1 - Scalp Scrub

Step 2 - Zincplex Shampoo

Step 3 - We Strongly Suggest The Conditioner or Scalp Lotion For Long Term Results. It will help to eliminate a bounce back and helps to get the proper ph to the scalp. It is a protection that is hard to find. The lotion will also help with any mite problems that you might be having as well.

See More Here

Diffuse Thinning of Hair In Women and Men

 What Causes Diffuse Thinning In Women's and Men's Hair?

For most of us there are only a few reasons why the hair begins to thin and the result can be either diffuse or at times it can be accelerated with spots of hair falling and with stress it can also be chunks that fall out. However, here is the low down and what you can do.

What Causes Hair Fall?

For diffuse thinning in women the 3 common culprits are:

1) Stress To The Body - Mental or Physical. This means a shocking event or similar that causes you to mental feel a large amount of stress. This could be a lost job, a relationship that goes bad or even the passing of a family member or close friend. 

But it could also be body stress from a physical event such as a pregnancy, surgery, trauma to the body and similar. Both of these have a similar affect. In all the years of studying hair we were able to determine if stress was causing hair thinning because when we did microscopic hair analysis the hair bulb or medulla when turn yellow. 

2) Especially in women diffuse hair thinning can be from hormones. Dht is the hormone that testosterone is converted in to. There are things that you can do to really help with this. Here is some important information about dht and how to reduce the amount of dht hormone is the scalp hair follicles.

DHT is converted from testosterone and for this to happen an enzyme named 5 alpha reductase is how the conversion occurs. This enzyme feeds off the scalp oils. The greasier the scalp the more abundant the food source for this enzyme. By deep cleansing away clogged hair follicles and really helping to purify the follicle this allows the sebum to keep moving and not just sit inside the follicle as a food source. However Zinc PCA is also one of the best dht blockers in men and women and it is natural. 

3) Clogged Hair Follicles Also Known As Sebum Plugs. The if have oily hair and scalp issues at all then we cannot stress enough how important it is to open up the follicles and remove the grime and all the buildup on the scalp that plugs the follicle. Problems such as sticky hair gel can cause hair loss by blocking hair opening, residue from shampoo and hair sprays or treatments

What Can You Do To Help?

So when you use Zincplex you are combating DHT 3 different ways and all very important. 

This is why Zincplex gets such great feedback from women and men. We also suggest using the Scalp Scrub ( click here ) to open up clogged hair follicles so that the sebum flows as it should. 

1) Deep Cleanse The Hair Follicle And the Follicle Opening

2) Irrigate and Flush The Follicle to Allow The Flow or Sebum, Bacteria, Fungus and Other Pore Clogging or Congestion particles. It also helps to irrigate the build up dht and of course the sebum that the enzyme uses to make dht in the follicles and attach to the hair root.

3) Use Zinc Pca To Block DHT

Shampoo For Diffuse Thinning

Click Here

My Suggestions: If you have not used a scalp scrub to exfoliate the scalp and remove the crusty or waxy buildup then I strongly suggest you do this. This also includes the herbs and zinc pca to help melt away the hardened and crystal sebum deposits as well as sebum beads and balls in the hair.

Monday, March 8, 2021

What Is Scalp Gunk and How Do I Get Rid Of It

 Hyperseborrhea Waxy Build Up White Gunk - Help!

These are all synonymous with those that have an over active sebum gland in the hair and scalp. However, it doesn't always stop there. Many have the same situation with the over oily production on the face, forehead, back, chest, in the eyebrows, around the nose, behind the ears and just about any other crack and crevice that you can think of. It is important and very natural for the body to produce sebum but excess amounts can cause of a lot issues.

Does Excess Sebum Cause Inflammation?

Yes, and in more ways that one. The term hyperseborrhea and it means just like it sounds. It over does it. The sebum itself is not always bad but it almost always turns out to be a problem. Don't worry we are going to tell you how to handle it.

There are a couple of things about the hair and follicles that you should know. Excess sebum on the scalp can be bad because the fungus, bacteria and yeast seem to have a field day when it is in excess. Mixing yeast, fungus and sweat can cause a build up of scalp gunk or white gunk that can be in the hair or on the scalp itself. It almost seems like large chunks of dandruff. It can cause itching, flaking, redness. 

But one of the most important things that it does is help to clog the hair follicle. And when mixed with all the dirt, grime, sticky hair spray, gel, styling aids and even shampoo residue that sebum can be hardened and feel like hard rock candy with a little bit of sticky and a lot clog to it. These do clog the follicle and this allows the yeast, bacteria, and fungus to thrive and with that comes inflammation. The enzyme that feeds the hormone dht also feeds off of the excess sebum. So if you are susceptible to DHT = the hormone that causes hair thinning and loss in both women and men then you may notice happen.

This is why many people talk about oily itchy scalp and thinning hair or loss. Many people with seborrheic dermatitis also complain of thinning because of these same 3 things. The first is inflammation inside the hair follicle and the 2nd is that it feeds the enzyme that converts testoterone to dht which is the hair loss hormone and 3rdly it and 3rd bacteria dn fungal overgrowth that breaks down the micronutient process of actually feeding the hair follicle.


Why Do We Know So Much About Scalp Gunk and Excess Sebum Oils?

We lived it. Yes, the reason that we can explain all of this in great detail to you is that we had the exact problem and probably a little more in depth since many of us also have scalps sores, intense itching and flaking on the hair line, the crown of the head, pimple like bumps on the back of the head that itched unmercifully. I personally had hot spots that would burn and itch on my scalp. I found out that I had clogged hair roots and was harboring some serious bacteria and fungus. Since then I barely deal with my problem any more of hyperseborrhea and itching because of the hyperseborrhea shampoo we developed. I did it a lot of research and some help from giants in the industry on the research side. I did it with a blend of herbs and a magic ingredient called zinc pca.

I Learned The Exact Amount Of  Zinc Pca and Also Specific Herbs

Now my problem is behind me 99% of the time. Every once in a while I will have a flare up but my hair is so much healthier and grows better. Since I started using this when I was 27 I have almost the same amount of hair thinning that I did. This stopped the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis hair thinning in its tracks. I believe because it was mainly due to the inflammation inside the hair follicle. 

I started seeing results in about 2 weeks with what is Now Called Zincplex but in reality about a month. Remember that you have to restore lipid barriers, change the ph, irrigate the hair follicle. This takes some time so give it some time. But a lot of the results will also happen quickly. Enough to let you know that The Zincplex shampoo, Conditioner, Hot Spot Scalp Lotion, Face Wash are the best products for Hyperseborrhea, Seborrheic Dermatitis and Clogged Hair Follicles. Don't clarify - detoxify!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

What is the Best Shampoo for Oily Thin Hair?

What Shampoo Do I Use For Thin Oily Hair

When were were developing Zincplex one of the things that we really took into account was for those that wanted to thicken their hair and still deal with greasy hair and scalp. So in the oily hair care line that we did we added one of the best thickening agents you can add to a shampoo and it's not cheap. Panthenol. But there are different forms of this vitamin. 

What Is Panthenol and How Does It Help Thin Hair?

It helps strengthen the outter and the inner part of the hair shaft.  It does retain moisture at levels similar to hyaluronic acid,  and improves the overall feel and texture of damaged hairPanthenol is available in many different levels of quality and of course as you know not all of these will give you the desired results that you might be looking for.

One of the reasons that we use form of vitamin b-5 is because it works from the inside of the hair shaft out. This is vital if you are trying to plump hair. If you coat it the hair just simply weights down. We want thicker, full of style hair that is plump and thick but not coarse and lifeless.

Control The Amount of Scalp Oil Being Produced By The Sebum Gland

Over time excess scalp oils can lead to a lot of different problems including white waxy build ups and gunk, hair thinning and loss, out of balance yeast, fungus and bacteria and more. Our Zincplex shampoo and conditioner both use Panthenol to fill the hair from the inside out with moisture and fluff with panthenol vitamin but we also use Zinc pca to limit the amount of oil that the scalp and hair has produced for it. This is big for those that have oily thin hair.So if you are asking what is the best shampoo for oily thin hair then check out the Zincplex Purify shampoo and see why that is the top seller for people with scalp problems such as oily, seborrhea, hyperseborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, oily dandruff and even hair thinning with greasy hair issues. These can all be combined to create problems. See how Zincplex deals with these problems using natural and herbal ingredients.

Learn More About Zincplex Shampoo, Conditioner and Scalp Lotion Products For Healthy Hair and Scalp!

What is The Best Clarifying Shampoo for Product Build Up

 What Are The Top 3 Clarifying Shampoos?

The answer is that we don't know but before you leave understand that you don't want a clarifying shampoo. There I said it. That is not what you want. Why? Clarifying Shampoos simply strip everything away including the most important outter layer of skin that it is the #1 protector of your scalp in many ways. It is the lipid barrier so it holds moisture in and keeps bacteria and fungus at bay. Fungus like the same fungus that causes dandruff and other scalp conditions. You want scalp buildup removal without the harsh damaging effects. But how?

What Shampoo Will Deep Clean Without Stripping and Remove Product Build Up Without Destroying The Lipid Barrier.

Now that is a much better question. A large portion of that is going on with hair problems to day is because of fungal and bacterial being aggressive an the normal balance swinging to their side. When the scalp is healthy, the ph of the scalp skin correct and the follicles open then scalp problems are kept at bay. 

What Shampoo Do We Use To Melt Away Scalp Build Up Including Years of Sebum, Product Residue and More?

Zincplex! Without A doubt, hands down, the best way to deep cleanse, restore balance and allow proper balance with ph and fungal growth to occur. The researched blend of herbs is just that. Researched for nearly 20 years now and tweaked each year to be able to dissolve the excess sebum build up. Zinc pca is a known and proven anti fungus and anti bacterial natural ingredient. The synergy of these natural ingredients beats the harsh stripping and we guarantee that you won't have to deal with the issues that happen after using harsh clarifiers on your scalp and hair.

Go to Zincplex Website at to see Before and After Hair Root Pictures

We have searched and have not found any other company that shows before and and after hair root pictures of those that have used the product to remove the sebum build up, scalp plugs and clogged hair follicles like Zincplex does. You can see the results as far down as the root of the hair. This shampoo is more than a fresh start. It is a clean start for optimal hair growth.

Try Zincplex Today and Let It Remind You Of What A Super Healthy Scalp Feels Like. And with that comes healthy hair growth. There are a lot of hair issues that come with product build up and the chain of events that happen if the root is not cleansed. Try It Today. There are quite a different places to buy Zincplex online. Great for women and men and hair types from normal to oily and even super greasy. Guaranteed Results.

If you are having a lot of scalp issues and your hair is more on the dry side or maybe you scalp is then you will want to try the jojoba deep scalp cleanser with argan oil that is also made by Zincplex. 


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss Or Other Scalp Problems like Itching and Flaking

 Stress Can Wreak Havoc On You Hair Growth and Health

Stress has an affect that is more like a chain reaction. It is dominoes that continue to fall down the line. One of the 1st things that happens is that the body refocuses blood flow when there are critical stress times such as a loss of a love one or an event that is marked and important in your life. These are not chronic but instead referred to as acute

Is There Anything You Can Do To Help With Hair Problems During Stress Times?

Stress Can Cause Diffuse Thinning Or Hair Loss in Spots Anywhere On The Head

In both men and women the effects of stress vary but both can see patchy hair loss, diffuse thinning, grey or greying all over, in spots and sometimes in one concentrated spot. Read below to see what your best alternatives are. In over 22 years of study and research the products below are what we feel give the best opportunity to set the playing field back to level. 

3 Things You Must Do To Keep Hair Healthy During Heavy Stress Times

These are the 3 things that you should focus on to keep hair growing as it should be growing. It is important also for both men and women to do specific things to help keep your natural hair color. Grey or greying hair is one of the most notorious effects of chronic stressful times.

1) Feed Hair Omega's both topically and also internally. The best topical for hair to add omega's in a natural chain and not broken down is with emu oil. The old wives tale of it preventing grey hair and evening darkening hair to its natural color. For prevention we know that it is true for darkening we have many of our customers that say that it helps to restore their natural hair color in a subtle way. But it won't be as much as if you had a die job. The #1 thing that we know it does it feed the medulla the necessary ingredients to grow properly. This is huge because stress diverts nutrition and blood flow to major organs. Your hair is not. The blood supply that feeds the hair is micro at best. Topically applying omega oils in a form that will penetrate into the scalp is vital. 

We believe that there is only 1 way to do this and that is with Emu Oil. You can use the Emu shampoo and conditioner or also the topically applied oil. The oil itself is going to deliver the most nutrients directly to the root.

2) Blood Flow Must Be Stimulated to the hair root. We believe that this is vital as it will also help with vital nutrition that comes through the blood vessel. Also topically applied vitamins to aid in protein formation (hair is made up of amino acids that form protein chains) is vital. For this we believe that the Biotin Hair Topical is the best product. 

3) Hair Vitamins - Not just any vitamin but those that are specifically designed with the hair and skin reproduction in mind. These are the amino acids and many of the b and similar vitamins that are needed by the body to produce the long and short protein chains. The vitamin formulated with ENS Bio is just for hair and specifically designed for getting the hair and the skin to grow optimally. This means that the diversion that is caused by stress can be alleviated by supplying the system with an abundance. Remember that stress in one day of your life will tax your nervous system physically the same way as if you had run a half marathon. You must replenish.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Over 1/2 of All Women Have Clogged Follicles With Build Up and 40% of Men

 Not Just A Problem For Men or Women - Clogged Hair Follicles

If you are wondering what is going on with your hair these days or maybe you are having some difficult scalp problems such as peeling, flaking, red spots or any type of irritation and you can't figure out why - well then its time to start taking a more microscopic approach - literally.

What Does The Hair Follicle Under The Microscope Show Us?

For nearly 20 years we have been using the microscope to look at the root of the hair after it was pulled from the head. We do this to see what is going on with the root. By performing these microscopic hair analysis we learned a lot, a whole lot.

We found that just about every woman had some type of buildup up around the hair follicle. We also discovered that the those that had sebum coating the hair also had blackness on the root which was bacteria and fungus. These are the people that also had the most hair issues by far. When we were able to develop cleansers good enough to get the hair root clean we found that most all hair and scalp symptoms went away. 

You would think that the women and men that didn't wash their hair that much had the worst problems but the truth is that some of the most cleanly of the bunch had some of the worst root problems. Washing your hair mattered for the hair shaft but not the root, not unless you used a very specific shampoo. 

A Deep Cleanser and Follicle Re-Balancing Was Born

We learned that clarifying only dealt with the surface of the hair and did nothing for the root which is where the hair health was determined. We did learn how valuable certain herbal extracts were to remove hardened sebum and reopen hair follicles. Yes it also gets rid of sticky hair, sebum beads and even the waxy build up but still the root health is most valuable.

Men and women that were dealing with even the toughest of problems like scalp pustules, acne and pimples on the head, smelly hair and scalp, dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis symptoms, excessively oily hair and scalp and more. We found that all of the can be found by the health of the hair follicle and of course the scalp. 

A Very Special and Effective Blend of Herbs help to give a fresh and powerful start to all of your hair follicles. There are tiny blood vessels that attach to the root and these must be stimulated as well. Removing the trash is vital to long term health.

If you are wanting to create a healthy scalp and the perfect environment then check us out for more i depth information. Thanks

Can Oily Scalp Cause Hair Loss in Men and Women

 What Are The Causes Of An Oily Scalp?

This is a bit of a trick question because many people are predisposed to excess sebum as a genetic trait while others tend to create the conditions that trigger the sebum gland to produce more sebum. The answer for most adults that have an abundance of oils in the hair or on the scalp is that they need to do some scalp work to get it back to healthy again.

The oils that the sebaceous gland produces are often in response to dirt, grime, residue from hair problems an even chemical burns from perms etc. These can get down into the follicle. The body's response is to product scalp oils. This is an effort to try and push the bacteria, fungus and even dirt out of the follicle. If there is not a good result with this then the gland will produce even more

What Is The Scalp's Lipid Barrier?

All skin on the body has a lipid barrier and this needs to be at a certain moisture percentage and the ph needs to be at a certain level to prevent fungus and bacteria from thriving on the head. Another scenario is when the scalp is being stripped of its lipid barrier by harsh shampoos can cause an over production of sebum. 

So many of today's hair products actually damage the lipid barrier of the scalp skin and are setting you up for long and short term problems. This is why you have to be very careful with the Clarifying Shampoos. Product buildup is not good but harsh chemical degreasers is not a good answer as it will only trigger hyper active sebum glands.

The Link To Oily Sebum and Hair Loss or Thinning In Women and Men

There are actual several links. 

1) Dht. Both men and women are susceptible to hair thinning from the hormone called Dht. This occurs when Testosterone is converted to DHT.  TO do this an enzyme called 5 alpla reductase is present. This enzyme feeds off your scalp oils. By limited your scalp oils you in turn massively limit the enzyme so you don't get the conversion. Healthy scalp detox shampoo Zincplex gives you all that you need. 

The ingredient most effective at limiting scalp oil production or sebum is ZINC PCA. It has been proven to act like a thermostat. It does not completely shut it off. Instead it regulates. You don't want to completely shut off the oils or the lipid barrier will break down and you will have a lot different scalp skin problems from sores, lesions, crust, bumps and similar. 

2) When Excess Sebum on Scalp is produced it can cause follicle plugs where the sebum mixes with the dirt and even grime from the scalp as well as the salt deposits from sweat, hair sprays, gels and more. These gather at follicle openings where they act as a plug to prevent follicle cleansing as well as oxygen from reaching the follicle. A good oily scalp shampoo for women and men needs to regulate the sebum gland and not just strip the hair. 

It gets worse because when the plug occurs the inside part of the follicle starts breeding the bacteria and fungus. The response is for the gland to produce more oils to put this out but it can't because of the plug and then bumps, itching, flaking, redness, folliculitis and much more can occur. Sores and lesions as well as bumps of many kinds become prominent.

Here Is How We Solve This

1) A Shampoo and Lotion was created to help with all of the above. There are a lot of details I could share bt know that that it has proven herbs to break down hardened and crusty sebum plugs and it does this without stripping the lipid barrier.

2) Zinc Pca is nature's solution as it not only limits sebum production it is a natural bacteria and fungus killer.

The result is that the scalp including the hair follicles are detoxified. The lipid barrier restores itself and the amount of sebum is reduced. Creating this healthy environment works on symptoms of so many different hair and scalp issues that it is an all encompassing remedy for excess oils that may be causing a lot of different issues.

Visit Here To Learn More

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What Is The White Gunk and Stuff On My Scalp and In My Hair

 What Is The Waxy White Gunk in My Hair and On Scalp?

It is a combination of sebum mixed with grime, dirt and fungus.Unless you work to solve the underlying problems you will only be able to clear it for a short time if that. Many people try over the counter and even prescribed shampoos with minimal results. But there is a way to handle the white gunk on scalp problems and prevent the waxy build up over the short and long term.

A Long Term and Short Term Remedy?

For the results that you are looking for and ultimately the healthy scalp and hair that we desire you have to start with controlling the amount of sebum produced. This is directly affected by how clean the scalp skin and follicles are of product buildup, dirt, fungus and even bacteria. These can all build up over time. These are also affected by the scalp having a distorted PH level.

Remember that the scalp's best line of defense against intruders is the correct ph or a balanced ph. However, very few (very, very few help to get your scalp's ph level to where it should be). This is one of the 1st things that happens to open the door. Once the build up occurs the follicles began feel the build up - these are called plugged hair follicles. They are also perfect for bacteria and fungus to grow. 

So to solve your problem the Buildup Has To Be Removed on the scalp and inside the follicle otherwise the delicate balance of fungus will spiral out of control. The body will produce more than necessary scalp oils to try ad push the fungus and bacteria outside of the hair follicle. It is a cycle that must be stopped. 

How Do You Restore Balance and Prevent Excess Sebum Production and Fungus Overgrowth

1) Correct The Ph by Using A Shampoo That Has This as A Primary Focus
2) Deep Cleanse Not Just The Hair and Scalp But Mainly The Sebum Plug At The Root and Int Follicle
3) Regulate The Sebum That The Body Produces With Zinc Pca
4) Use Herbs Thyme, Sage, Fenugreek to Melt Away Sebum Plugs and Irrigate The Follicle (vital)
5) Use Burdock To Stimulate Blood Flow

Does Salicylic Acid Work or Shampoos Like Head and Shoulders?

It can help but in our opinion it does nothing to handle the bacteria and fungus build up in the follicle and it also is not designed to limit oil production. These two are vital to a healthy hair and scalp! These shampoos also do not do anything for correcting the skin to a perfect ph that is more acidic than most shampoos can offer. They do help with the fungus issue that is also contributing with this specific hair and scalp problem.

So in Short: Correct The PH, Deep Cleanse and Purify The Follicle Of Hardened Sebum Plugs and Help To Irrigate Fungus and Bacteria From Inside the Follicle, Enhance Blood Supply to the Scalp and Root, Let Zinc pca regulate the sebum production as it has been proven to do naturally!

Be Careful with using harsh detergent based clarifying shampoos. Short term they may seem to help but longer term there is damage that is being done. Remember that this is not just about stripping oils. It is about deep cleansing and detoxifying not just the outter scalp layers but also the inside the follicle where bacteria and fungi can grow and wreak havoc including causing inflammation that closes or pinches down on the hair shaft and follicle.

I Personally Experienced It

We know a lot about this because we lived it. I personally dealt with this since I hit puberty at around 13 and suffered until I was 27. At that point I started working with a product formulation specialist that had just discovered how amazing zinc pca was for the hair and all the benefits. For the next 5 years we perfected a shampoo with various herbs that we call the "the package" and of course zinc pca and then we established how vital it was to have our shampoo at a very specific ph level. To this day  Our Zinc Complex shampoo is a top rated product for establishing healthy hair and scalps all over the world. 

Don't just Clarify! Deep Cleanse and Detox!

What Causes Yellow Dandruff and How Do You Get Rid Of it

 Why Do I Have Yellow Dandruff?

For many of the people that suffer with dandruff they never fully realize the causes of the itching and flaking. So we are going to give you a quick run down. First thing you need to know is that the yellow part is the sebum. 

What Is Sebum and What Does It Have To Do With Dandruff?

Inside of the hair follicle is where the hair growth occurs. This is the medulla center or bulb of the hair. The center of the hair follicle has the matrix cells. These reproduce over and over again by multiplying and dividing to grow up and out of the scalp. Also inside the follicle is the sebaceous gland. This is where the sebum or scalp oils are produced. Once it is produced the oil is pushed out of the follicle distribute out onto the scalp's skin.  It is important to note that sebum has a bit of golden or yellow color to it. It is also one of the defenses of the follicle to push out bacteria and fungus from inside the follicle. This is important since many different fungi naturally live on the scalp. This sebum is the reason that the and the flakes turn yellow which in turn causes yellow dandruff but the real question how do you get rid of the symptoms including the flakes, redness, raised scabs, redness and more.

What Does It Have To Do With Dandruff, Itching, Flaking?

The short answer is that the hair oils also carry the bodies sugars and a food supply for the fungus that can live inside the follicle. So if you are overproducing the fungus food source it too will multiply. This means that many people that have oily scalp also have what we term dandruff as well as an extreme version called seborrheic dermatitis. The real problem comes in when sebum gets trapped down inside the hair follicles because the follicle opening at the scalp gets covered up and plugged. This can be done with sebum that is not cleansed away or with a combination of dirt and debris as well as sticky hair products like hair gels, hair sprays and even shampoos that leave residues.

What Can Help With This Yellow Scabbing, Flakes and Similar Problems?

Remember that dandruff is malasezzia furfur fungus. This fungus will feed off excess scalp oils and what is inside the oils that is carried by the body's nutrient delivery system. So if you are having problems with seborrhea and symptoms of dandruff or seb derm then limit the amount of sugars, and wash your hair more. That will give you short term relief from symptoms. However if you want longer relief and to rebalance the scalp back to healthy again you need to do a little more.

What Has To Be Done For A Healthy Scalp?

The 1st thing that you have to do with eliminate the excess fungus that is trapped inside the follicles. The second is get the scalp's ph balance back to normal. The 3rd is you need to cut the production of scalp oils. The products that we created were formulated for this very problem.

Zincplex Shampoo Conditioner and Scalp Lotion use an ingredient called zinc pca. This amazing form of zinc is nature's way of handling fungus and bacteria at the same time. That is important because anti fungal agents can allow bacteria levels to rise and vice versa. Zinc pca (we have all heard of zinc) is anti both bacteria and fungus. But more amazing is its ability to regulate sebum production from the sebaceous glands. That is huge in the fight to normalize your scalp and hair. 

So If You Want Long Term Results - Click Here To See Products That Can Help.

What Causes Greasy Or Oily Hair In Men and How To Get Rid Of It

 What Causes Excess Sebum On the Scalp and Hair In Men

May men complain of the excess sebum that the gland puts out and how it can cause a lot of different and unique problems that it can cause. In many men having the excess scalp oils can lead to itching, flaking, waxy buildup, an even plugged hair follicles that can lead to diffuse thinning all over the scalp. The oils that are in the scalp are also part of what feeds the male hormone dht. It actually feeds the alpha reductase enzyme which converts testosterone to dht. Remember that dht is the #1 cause of hair loss in men and also can lead to scalp irritations etc. 


Does It Worse or Better As You Get Older

Typically it does not get worse in term of the amount of the sebum that the gland produces. However, the symptoms can if they are never handled. This is why it is best to detox the scalp. The sebum is necessary and you definitely want a healthy flow. However, if there is bacteria or too many of the dht hormones you will be feeding those and allowing them to spiral out of control and the result is many of the hair problems listed above. Probably the #1 oily scalp and hair problem that men complain of is dandruff and the 2nd is clogged hair follicles. Of course greasy hair in itself is not the way that you want your hair to look. Often times you see men with that shine on their scalp.

Can Shampoos Cause Greasy Hair

Yes, if you are using too harsh of a shampoo it will strip away the oils and this signals the sebaceous glands to produce more. We see this a lot in cheaper shampoos that use harsh surfactants. They literally strip everything. Remember that YOU DO WANT A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF SCALP OILS being produced on a regular basis. So using harsh cleansers on the face or scalp will almost always result in a signal to produce more oils.

Should I Use A Clarifying Shampoo

This has to be answered on a case by case basis depending on what ingredients are in a shampoo. You are much better of using an herbal shampoo without the harsh stripping agents and forget dimethicone. You never want that in a shampoo. Some of the so called " Best Clarifying Shampoos " for men are so harsh that they destroy the lipid barrier in the scalp and the result can take a very long to fix.

Does Greasy Hair Cause Itching, Flaking, Dandruff or Even Thinning Hair

There are a certain chain of events that do promote the above issues or problems. The trick is to remove all dirt debris, remove build up even hardened sebum on the scalp that be like rock candy. This must be removed otherwise it allows fungus ad bacteria to flourish inside the hair follicle and the problems occurs. This is similar to changing your air or fuel filter in your car. If you do not problems are starting and its just a question of how long it takes.

Instead of Clarifying Think Detox and Deep Cleanse Including the Root

If you have GREASY HAIR then this is the part that matters to you. There is one ingredient that has been proven in speific amounts to regulate the amount of sebum the scalp produces and it is ZincPCa.

Almost 25 years ago we started experimenting with this amazing mineral and also a specific complex of herbs that we found to melt away the build up around the hair follicles. This was a huge find for both men and women. When we combined that ZincPCa a product called Zincplex was formed and it turned out to be one of the best selling HEALTHY HAIR AND SCALP SHAMPOOS on the market. It was won numerous awards always getting better results that the big companies. It is not cheap to make but the results are phenomenal. If you want to handle your greasy hair and create the perfect environment for healthy hair then check out the #1 Detox and Deep Cleanse Shampoo for Men and see why we have repeat customers from almost 18 years ago. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Does Emu Oil For acne Scars Work?

 What is in Emu Oil

This oil is one of the richest in Omega 3's and 6's and 9's. The fatty acid chain in this is like no other oil out there. You will here some talk about Olive Oil, Jojoba, Coconut and similar but none of these really can do what emu oil can. It has so many impressive properties for skin and hair that it didn't take long for it to bust out onto the market. But most main stream beauty manufacturers prefer to use other oils - why? Because they are cheaper. Its that simple. It you put the amount of oil and purify it the way that you should the oil is not cheap.

Why Is Emu Oil Good For Hair Skin and More?

For years it was one of the oldest traditions in the south to use Emu oil for scrapes, scars, burns, on the skin and hair. Many believed that it blocks to hormones in women and men that cause a lot of issues. The hormone is dht. It is responsible for facial hair in women and hair loss on the crown or scalp for men. Many believe that a significant decrease the above mentioned occur with just a few drops a day rubbed into the skin.

Beneficial Properties:

1) Anti Inflammatory

2) Deepest Penetrating Oil which is important to reach the deepest, cellular level reproduction levels of skin and the dermal papilla of the hair.

3) Loaded with natural chain omega fatty acids. Remember that every cell that is reproduced on the body needs these to reproduce optimally. This is why many people report darker hair growth (normal hair color versus grey), the reduction in appearance of scars, smoother skin that is vibrant because of extreme hydration and the same with hair. The hydration occurs from the inside out.

4) Too Many Benefits to List Here

Why Does It Work On Scars.

Two important things need to happen to work with the scars. The 1st thing to determine is how old is the scar or if you are trying to prevent scars. Scars are skin that was damaged and with this often comes discoloration. The best approach is to help remove the hardened dead skin and then help the area produce new and vibrant skin in that area.

Here Is To Use The Oil For Scars That You Have Had For A While: 

Emu oil will help to soften the skin in scarred areas. So scars that have been there for a period of time from acne, pimples, surgery, c section or just about any other reason you will want to use emu oil for several days to hydrate and soften the skin. Then use a good microderm abrasion cream to help remove the dead skin cells. For raised or pitted scars this step is vital. Then apply the oil daily. You will still want to smooth skin 3 to 4 times per week with the microderm cream. This is a gentle process so don't over do it.

What To Do For Newer Scars

Right away get to the Emu Oil and apply 2 times per day on the area such as cheeks and forehead. You will notice that if you are still suffering from acne that it will help to calm the acne caused by hormones and also pimples caused by bacteria or even fungus. You can also use the microderm cream for scars but make sure to be gentle as the newer scar does not have the hard skin cell build up like the aged one does. 

Click Here To Learn More

What To Do For Prevention of Marks and Skin Stretching

This is almost always in preparation for women's tummy's expanding from getting pregnant and having a baby. We strongly suggest emu oil to prevent stretch marks. I personally can attest to this one. My skin would feel like it was ripping if I even skipped one after about my 4th month. It was a daily thing for me. After I had my child I did not have a single mark. Granted I was very generous with the amount of oil that I used and I made sure to use it daily. But not one mark. The same with my second child.

If you are thinking of trying emu oil we can't suggest enough that you do. It is truly one of the best healing oils for not just the skin and scalp or hair but also for other issues that you may or may not heard of. Because it penetrates so deep it is one of the best carrier oils and this means that the other potent ingredients in the products are also carries through the skin with it and this means much better results. Skin hair and Joint products efficacy is based on deep penetration

Monday, February 22, 2021

How To Reduce Sebum Production On the Scalp

 What Causes Excess Sebum Production On The Scalp

There are several factors that increase sebum production. Genetics is one of the larger players. Just like you get your parents hair color and skin color you can also get be predisposed to have oilier skin and hair. However, this should only be the case during your teen years when adolescence is occurring. Mild oily or dry skin in adults is not out of the norm but for those that have oily hair and scalp issues that don't want to seem to dissipate here are some causes that you may want to look at.

Causes Of Sebum Balls, Beads, Waxy Build Up or Over Active Sebaceous Glands

1) Using harsh shampoos that strip away too much of the sebum on the scalp can trigger the thermostat that tells you sebaceous gland to produce more oils. Find a shampoo that does not have such harsh chemicals or that is too drying is your best bet if this is your problem. We have had great luck with the emu shampoo and emu conditioner to help with this. These are omega oils and they sink down into the layers of the skin on the scalp. This turns off the sebum gland from over production and your hair is never greasy or oil but it will be super soft. 

2) Excreting Scalp Oils is the body's natural defense against fungus and bacteria. If you have not deep cleansed the hair follicles and then detoxified them you most likely will want to. This is more than a clarifying shampoo. You will want to open sebum plugs that gather around the hair follicle. You will want to deep cleanse down inside the hair follicle and allow bacteria and fungus to expelled out of the follicles. The ZincPCa Shampoo has a form of zinc that is natural anti-bacterial mineral and the same with fungus.

Here is What The Sebum Build Up At the Hair Follicle Opening Can Look Like 

Removing these is vital and then make sure to remove or expel the bacteria and fungus that grow inside the follicle when the plugs were present. This will slow down the body's need to over produce oils.  

Zinc Pca Has Been Proven To Regulate The Amount of Sebum.

It acts like a thermostat so that the body does not over or under produce the correct amount of oils. 

The final ingredient that you need to know about is the long chain zinc and pca combined mineral that has been proven to regulate the sebum gland so it will not over produce sebum.

Since 2001 Zinc Complex Shampoo has been helping men and women eliminate scalp problems by opening hair follicles and freeing them from over production of hardened scalp oils that clog follicles. The zinc pca also regulates the amount produced to prevent greasy hair and scalp problems associated with excess sebum also called seborrhea. So if you were wanting to know how to get rid of scalp build up and reduce sebum production then you have the correct products.

What Will Dissolve Sebum Plugs On the Scalp or Skin

 What Can Dissolve Away Sebum Plugs On The Scalp

The natural way that the body works is for the sebacceous gland to produce enough sebum to help keep hair and skin naturally hydrated. It is also nature's way to help push out bacteria, dirt, grime and even fungus and bacteria from the pores or from the hair follicles. This process works really good until a couple of different things happen.

1) Build up of sticky shampoo residue or hair gels and hair sprays hold dirt and grim and collect at the follicle opening. These tend to hold onto the pollutants and grime and they begin to slowly close the opening. Once this plug starts to occur the sebum gland may actually start to produce more oils because they are not pushing out to the scalp as they should.

2) The next step that begins to occur can cause many different problems. Once the hair follicle begins to close down on the hair shaft at the opening it is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Remember that these natural occur on the head but now conditions are perfect for an imbalance of these to occur. Many different scalp problems can occur when this happens ranging from folliculitis, painful scalp bumps that won't go away, pimples on the head on the crown, hair line and back of the head, itching, flaking and much more.

Can Sebum Plugs Cause Hair Loss or Thinning

This can also cause hair thinning an loss. This happens because the oxygen and nutrition needed in being pinched off by the inflammation in the follicle. This is why with conditions like seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis you can get hair loss. The longer the oxygen and nutrition supply is lessened the worse it could be in terms of thinning. It can diffuse or in spots.

How Do You Get Rid of These Scalp Oil Build Ups

For nearly 20 years we have studied some of the best and well renowned vitamins, amino acids, surfactants, oils and more. We have found that there are few things that work really well - but when two were combined the results were phenomenal to dissolve sebum plugs

This Build Up Not Only Close The Follicle It Can Surround The Hair Root Itself  and Be Hard Like Candy. Look at this picture and you can see the golden rim around the hair through the microscope and you can also see how the dirt, bacteria and fungus have attached to it. This all must be cleansed away. You can't just do the sebum. You have to purify it all if you are looking for lasting results and a return to normal growth and health for your hair.

You can see the buildup and remember that this is all beneath the hair follicle. For hair and scalp health to return this plug has to be dissolved.

We spent years researching by checking the products that we created with the microscope. We could see what actually worked and how long it took to work. The product that was created used a very special blend of herbs and also the ZincPCa mineral that does so much more to help destroy the fungi and bacteria. Remember that all of this has to be remedied or symptoms will remain. 

Here Is The Product That Was Created To Detox The Hair, Scalp and Follicle

"This is one the best scalp cleansers on the market because it allows the herbs to do the work to help restore balance to the skin and hair on the head. "

Is Emu Oil The Best Shampoo and Conditioner for Dry Hair and Scalp

 If you have been doing a lot of research online you will find that one one of the most therapeutic oil, ingredient and however you want to call it is Emu Oil. There are a couples of reasons why that we will go over. But understand that not all hair and skin products are created equal when it comes to how they are made and how much of the vital ingredients are included. Emu, Jojoba and similar oils are not cheap and the price is going. So many might think they are buying a therapy or intense concentrate that will work on your hair and scalp problems when in fact the manufacturer as very little of what matters.

Why Is Emu Oil So Good For Hair and Skin

There are quite a few reasons actually!

Both skin and hair cells reproduce at a very rapid rate. They multiply and the divide very quickly. For this process to happen there are few vital must haves the cells need to do this without the cells losing their vitality. The #1 ingredient is a very specific chain of omega fatty acids acid called omega 3s. But before you go out and buy the pills or any shampoo understand that for the results that you are looking for these need to occur in a chain or block that is not man made. These have to occur naturally as found in very specific oils. Emu oil for hair is probably the most valuable with regards to the this chain for cell reproduction...but there are other benefits as well.

1) The Omegas in Emu Oil Reduce Inflammation which is found in almost all skin pores and hair follicles

2) Emu Oil has a natural anti fungal and anti bacterial properties to it. Many of us that are suffering from scalp and skin problems are fighting unwanted fungus and bacteria inside the follicle and the pore. This can lead to scalp sores and issues, facial skin issues such as anything that causes inflammation in the skin. This alone solves many different issues that women and men face on their facial and scalp skin.

3) Penetrates Very Deeply verusus just coating the surface. When we 1st started working with Emu Oil we were using it with a carrier oil. It penetrates so deeply and it helps to carry vital ingredients with it to the follicle or deep inside the pore where the cellular activity occurs. So while many topicals have great formulations they never reach the targeted areas because the skin is made to be a defense system. This means that emu delivers massive amounts of much needed nutrition to the cellular reproducing parts of the hair and pore where it is needed.

What Results Are We Hearing From Customers

For nearly 20 years we have been selling Premium Emu Oil Products. We believe that the combination of above benefits - well this is why so many people that emu oil works wonders for grey hair. We have many men and women that it helps to restore natural hair color.

Grey Hair - We actually don't know why it works so well so well for greying.

Slow Hair Growth - direct deposit of cellular boosting nutrition in the form of natural chain omega 3s

Dry Scalp and Skin - It penetrates and brings massive hydration to the deepest levels. This includes eczema and dry patches anywhere on the body. Emu oil for dry hair is a must have instead of dmithicones that simply coats. Your hair and skin will never feel softer. It is something that you will feel right away. Nothing penetrates and eliminates dryness like Emu Oil.

Scars - Remember that skin is all about massive reproduction over and over. The anti inflammatory effects, direct fed omegas for healthy reproduction and other things that we can't pinpoint make this the #1 recommendation that we know of for not only scarring on the skin but also to help prevent. Women that are pregnant has great results of never getting stretch marks when they use is during the pregnancy by simply rubbing a couple of drops daily. You will notice that your skin does not feel stretched. It works wonders on the appearance of old and news scars and of course prevention.

These are jut a few of the things that we have studied and created products for. Visit to learn more. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Can I Do To Get Rid Of Beard Dandruff Itching and Flaking

 What Causes Beard Dandruff?

The same thing that causes the itching, flaking, redness and even scabs and sore is the same thing that causes it on the face. The fungus malasezzia furfur feeds of the scalp oils inside the hair follicles. This is why when you shave your beard the symptoms discussed above typically go away. That would actually work with your heard as well and even eyebrows but you would have to do this daily. However there are much better ways to eliminate the symptoms discussed above.

What Can I Do To Make Beard Dandruff Away?

When you are having symptoms like itching flaking and redness it is not because of the fungus. It is because of an imbalance of the fungus. This means that the normal balance has swayed in favor of the bad guys. Remember that they feed off the oils but truthfully it is what is inside the oils. The sugars to be exact. So to remove the food source simply deep cleanse the follicle. This is why you need a special product for the face and the beard follicle to get results against beard dandruff. The ingredient that you need to be focused on is zinc pca and the herbs are thymus vulgaris or thyme, sage, fenugreek and a few others. Why? because they deep cleanse and purify the follicle whether it be on the face or the scalp or in the eyebrows. This is also the case behind the ears and around the nose and eyelids where these same symptoms can occur.

What Is Beard Seborrhea and Does It Cause Red Skin On My Face

Beard seborrhea is a fancy way of saying that you have dandruff itching flaky skin and other problems including redness on the face and it is caused by excess oils. But remember that the excess oils typically happen when the fungus imbalance occurs. The sebaccsous gland excretes more oils to try and expel the fungi and bacteria from the follicle. The answer is to deep cleanse and detox where the hair follicle lies and that is where the bacteria and fungus also grow. Deep Cleanse and Detox!!!

Can I Use Head and Shoulders On My Beard

You can but it is designed as an anti fungal and it has some pretty harsh detergents so you do not want to do this for any type of extended period. It also does nothing to detox the hair follicle. This is vital in getting long term results. Detox and Purify the hair root and follicle is KEY!

Can I Use Zincplex on My Facial Hair

Yes, Zincplex is a 22 year old product that has a cult type following and has original customers for its original launch so many years ago. It is uses the zinc pca and herbal complex that breaks down and deep cleanses the hair follicles whether it be on the head or on the face, eyebrows. When you see the before and after hair root pictures it is like it dissolved the sebum pugs and the bacteria and fungi that show up the micropscope on the before pictures of the root shows that it is gone after 1 month of use. 

Beard Itching and Flaking Products

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Is There A Scalp Fungus That Causes Odor or Stinky Hair Smells

 What Causes Scalp Odor and Smelly Hair - A Fungus

The answer is a whole hearted yes. But it is not always the only reason and more importantly you have to understand why the fungus is thriving on your scalp anyway. To understand this we are adding a couple of pictures that show how can.

If you look at this picture you will see what a hair looks like in the under the microscope. The very bottom is called the medulla and this is where the hair grows from. The bulb. It is where matrix cells reproduce over and over. It is also beneath the scalp line. What you are seeing is a heavy sebum build up. This build actually becomes very hard like sticky rock candy. Remember that this is inside the hair follicle.

The black that you see is a build up of fungus and bacteria. When you have smelly hair or scalp issues this is almost always the culprit. This fungus will carry out onto the scalp as well as and can create  a white gunk build up, waxy coating on the hair or scalp and similar issues. It can also cause itching, flaking and left untreated it can cause scalp sores, scaly patches, bumps, whitehead that can be painful and much more. The smell is the dead giveaway. It can also be seborrheic dermatitis smell as the fungus that causes seb derm also causes odor. It can be mold, mildew, sour, cheese smell and similar. Some people even describe it as vomit. 

How Do You Remove The Sebum Plug from the Follicle or Scalp?

We ourselves this very question roughly 22 years ago. After a lot of testing with both harsh cleansers and herbs especially herbal complexes we found what works best to literally melt away tough or stubborn sebum buildup. We also found the best natural ingredient and studies it. Manufacturer testing shows that ZincPCA is one of the most natural, potent ways to go away fungus on the scalp and bacteria. It is a natural anti bacterial and anti fungal. The results that we got without the zinc or without the purifying herbal complex added were minimal. But with both of these components the results were extraordinary.

What Happens After The Scalp Plug is Removed

Opening the follicle by cleansing the hard sticky sebum, excess oils, dirt, grime, sticky hair products and more allows the follicle to expel the bacteria and fungus. This allows normal oxygen and air to the matrix cells so growth of the hair usually gets back to optimal. Bacteria and Fungus also responds to the zinc to help normalize the scalp. The result is a healthy follicle and skin on the scalp. 

How Do We Know What Works Best?

We began tracking and testing our results with microscopic images. We would analyze the hair under the microscope before and after. This allowed us to see what worked best and how long it took to eliminate even crusty builds up, follicle plugs and more. This is what a healthy hair looks like. It is obvious the difference after the hair has been cleansed with a deep detox shampoo. NOTE: We do not know of a regular clarifying shampoo that will cleanse the sebum plugs. 

We spent years developing Zincplex so we strongly suggest that you try it out for women and men that suffer with fungus issues on the head and in the hair. 

Hair Odor Smelly Scalp - What Causes This and How To Get Rid of This Syndrome

 Smelly Hair Syndrome? Is there really such a thing. Without a doubt yes there is. But if you are reading this you might already know that it is. Can your scalp odor really smell sour, like cheese, even like vomit or like you never washed it all?

Yes Your Hair Can Smell Like Mildew, Sour, Stink Just After You Wash and Here is Why!

It's really your hair it is the fungus and bacteria that are trapped in the hair follicle that is emitted the odor. Overtime your scalp's major defense system, which is the ph level of the skin is changed with traditional store and salon shampoos and conditioners. A very specific ph is vital to keeping fungi at bay. The other thing that hurts are the sticky hair gels, hair sprays and even the residue from shampoos. These act like a fly trap for dirt and debris and it is trapped where the hair exits the scalp. The trap is called a sebum plug and it creates an environment that is perfect for bacteria and fungus to thrive. When this happens to enough of the follicles you will start having many different types of symptoms including the smelly scalp or smelly hair syndrome that people talk about.

What Do I Do To Correct or Remedy Smelly Hair

A very special herbal and zinc based shampoo was created almost 20 years ago to eliminate major symptoms to other issues such as seborrheic dermatitis, severe itchy scalp, sores and scabbing on the head and similar tough problems. Sometimes these were in conjunction smelly hair.  What was found out is that this shampoo and lotion therapy worked for many different problems and one that it is extremely good at correcting is the odor from a sour scalp and even sticky hair syndrome to name a few. 

How Does The Shampoo and Lotion Work For These Hair and Scalp Problems?

The main reason is an ingredient derived from zinc along with a purifying herbal complex. This herbal complex is so amazing it has been studied in labs to show that it breaks down sebum on the scalp naturally and without harsh chemicals. This blend works to eat way even hardened sebum build up on the scalp. The amazing zinc has a pca chain added. Zinc Pca has been proven to be a natural anti bacterial an anti fungal mineral to destroy bacteria.

Better Than A Clarifying Shampoo - It Is Purifying!

2 Steps In One Shampoo and Intense Therapy With The Scalp Lotion that penetrates deep. 

1) Herbal Blend Concentrate Removes Sebum Deposits and Build UP at and On the Root for the follicle to be able to expel bacteria and fungus that cause the smells.

2) Zinc Pca is a natural anti bacteria and fungus mineral that travels deep into the follicle to eliminate the real source of many of your symptoms including that mildew, sour smelly scalp odor that you are having. 

Smelly Scalp Syndrome Treatment


For those that are wanting a solution then click below and see why This Zinc Complex with The Zinc Pca and Herbal Complex that we mentioned above has been a best seller for over 20 years. OVER 20 YEARS of success and each year it gets tweaked to make it a little better. The results are guaranteed. 

Don't Wait For This To Get Worse - Try Zinc Plex Today!

Click Here To Learn More

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Scalp Scabs - Picking At Them But What Causes Them? And How To Get Rid Of Crusty Problems

 You keep picking at these scabs on your scalp and probably because the itching can be intense. Often times there are many other problems that accompany the scabs like yellow dandruff, weeping or bleeding, and of course ranging from painful bumps to a little white bump that an occur over a generalized area of the head. 

What is Causing these Scalp Scabs and Sores?

"For nearly 20 Years I suffered from these and finally found something that really worked. An let me tell you I had it bad. I had it on my face including around my nose, white flaking and itching inside my eyebrows, in my ears and of course behind my ears. I felt like I was an oil machine. he sebum on my scalp always seemed really thick. Now that I am in my 50's it's not like this because If I want's using Zincplex then it was crazy for me. I had a dermatologist tell me that I was allergic to me scalp oils. In a weird backwards, lucky way- he was partly right. So here is the gig and don't scan over this. Really read this as it will change your world as it did mine!"

FUNGUS. Yes, that's the answer but don't freak because Everyone, yes Everyone has this fungus. Then why is it a problem for you?

Balance - The answer is balance. The ying and the yang of the scalp is extremely important to keep in check. The fungus which has a technical name of malasezzia furfur is found on every man, woman and child's scalp. Yes baby's too. This fungus lives and co exists at a very normal percentage. however if this percentage becomes lopsided then serious problems being. As the balance grows in favor of the fungus then the problems grow. But truthfully that is just the beginning. Here is what I mean by that.

The common cold is viral but is this nose cold lingers and the snot in your nose is not cleared then it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. The result is a sinus infection that is bacteria and not fungus. It can even stay once the virus is gone. One creates the perfect climate or condition for another

This is What Happens Inside the Hair Follicle!

To eliminate the conditions that can cause so many of the symptoms listed above you have to understand that the hair follicle dips down into the scalp. For many of us this started with heavy antibiotics as a child. This allowed the fungus to grow rampant on the skin and eventually find its way down inside the follicle. With this comes adolesence and then the scalp oils feed the fungus and the bacteria. If a root cleansing shampoo is not used then the results are sebum plugs whether full or partial. Here is a slide of the bacteria growth on the hair root. It is literally being attacked. As this gets worse the scalp scabs picking and itching that you feel like is tough to get relief from grows. 
Scab On Scalp That Won't Go away

What Can You Do For You Head and Hair?

To be honest I did it. I dealt with this so long I came up with a shampoo conditioner and scalp lotion that carried the most potent natural ingredients. These herbs and minerals were studied and proven to help with the cause which is the runaway fungus and bacteria issues. But for long term results you also have to put back in balance the scalps lipid skin barrier. If you do not then this will go right back to where it was. The Problems Are Zinc PCA and Herb Based. You Can Read More About Them Here.

If you have told that you have seborrheic dermatitis or if you suffer from an oily itchy scalp or have yellow dandruff, waxy flakes, intense itching and flaking, dandruff patches, sores or scabs of any kind including weeping, bleeding, open and can be anywhere on the head including the hair line, crown, back of the head or anywhere - do yourself a big favor and try the #1 rated herbal based products. 

It was over 25 years ago when these products were first launched. So many customer think that with the Zincplex products it is the best their hair and scalp, the most healthy, best growing, looks the best and the least symptoms - well so many have that to this day we have many of the original customers as repeat customers. Give it a shot!

Oh By The Way - Here Is The Microscopic Picture of The Hair After Using These Products! Notice That The Black Bacteria and Fungus is Gone! JUST SAYING!!!